Wednesday 25 November 2009

Sassan's (Chad's Boss) Wedding!

The bride and groom cutting the cake!! Not just with any knife, with an arabic sword. Cuts threw anything.
Guests taking pictures with the happy couple. Can I just say, I love the dress, and it suits her well. What a beauty!
During the wedding, everytable was given a confetti "popper" . Needless to say, confetti was everywhere, on everyone, and no one cared. Loads of fun!
The gang!! We had the coolest table at the wedding. ahah Except for that of the bride and groom of course.
Chad standing in the reception area before the party.

To sum up my first Arabic wedding (and hopefully not the last)... AMAZING!! So much fun, so much culture, and such wonderful people. The food was great. A huge buffet, with my favourite dessert...Om Ali... Its like a warmed up cinnamon pudding. And the creme brulee? Lets just say I went back for seconds. hahah Anyways, it was a great time had by all!

1 comment:

  1. LOVE the confetti picture. With the moustache and the piece of confetti that conveniently landed on Chad's ear, he looks so 80s! Amazing!
